Sunday, October 16, 2011

I gotto tell you about these TWEEZERS

Hola Chicas and Gents :)

                              TWEEZERMAN TWEEZERS

 So I gotta let you know about the HOLY GRAIL of TWEEZERS. I'm like super excited too and super late. You know when you've discovered a great product and you had seen it all along, but, you didn't shell out the cash to buy it and now you've bought it you could just beat yourself for loosing out on it for so long? So that's the feeling I'm having. So earlier this year I went to a beauty supply store in Whitter Village (can't remember the name of it, but its beside Avalon Pharmacy), here in Montego Bay. It's an uptown shopping complex that basically has all you need, whatever you can think of, they have it!

                  A Section of Whitter Village Shopping Complex

So I was there buying cosmetics and I saw this really cool Tweezerman tweezer, real ergonomic looking, it looked like the real deal. When lady at the counter told me the price I think it was like over JMD$1000, so I was like cool, thanks, but, no thanks. Okay, okay,  the story didn't go like that, she told me the price and I let out the biggest brawling laughter ever, I was like tell me your joking! Then I said to her, 'I should really take up my good, good money and spend it on a tweezer?' At this point she was cracking up too and probably saying this cheap ass lady needs to leave ma store, so I think I heard her thoughts and left on that note.
So, I'm going to start a Professional Makeup Course this week in Kingston and I got a long list of items to purchase and on there was a tweezer, so I decided to cop ma lil Tweezerman. I couldn't wait to use it- you know to see what the fuss was about, maaaaaan, the Tweezerman experience was heavenly! No joke and everyone knows tweezing just aint fun, but, with this lil guy it was a breeze. It's not your regular JMD$90 tweezer that you would buy in the chiney man shop. Let me tell you, its like the hairs saw Tweezerman coming and just jumped out, its crazy. If I lost mine and I had to get another and they said the price was JMD$2000, I would be shelling out ma money to pay for it with no hesitancy. I'm for real, this thing is the real shiznit, the shape, the precise point, the grasp, everything. I would recommend this ASAP. I didn't get the cute ones like in the pic above, I got one like in the pic below.

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