Saturday, July 30, 2011


Okay I was gonna look up happiness and you know give y'all a good ole definition for it, but, then I thought we all know happiness. We know the joys of happiness, that lovely state of being where nothing in our world is wrong, we are just content. Many things make us happy, from family to friends to our jobs, extracurricular activities, inanimate things, you name it. When you are on the sad side of things, happiness seems to be non-existent, you can look under your bed,  through the window, call up a friend, it's just not present. Sometimes during those time we may glimpse happiness and then its gone.
I for one,  LOVE  THE BEACH, large body of water and sand. Yuppers, that's my joy right there. Rain could be falling, my eyes could be stinging from too much salt water, the sun may be scorching, but, give me my beach. I love the beach so much I have reminders of it around my house. I keep sea shells on my window sill and sand in my living room and a carving I found at the beach on my patio. Sunday is usually all about church, praising the Lord and giving worship, but tomorrow I shall be changing locations and worshiping God from the sandy beach shores where my happiness lies.
Whatever floats your boat in the happiness category, take charge of it, if you don't have happiness you don't have anything.

Whatever is making you unhappy, fix it. I know it's not that easy, but, stop and refocus. I know I can't go to the beach everyday, so I gotta refocus and make my life into the beach I want it to be.

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