Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pox Marks - Lightening Those Evil Blemishes

When I was in 9th grade I got the Evil Chicken Pox, okay okay, I got regular Chicken Pox, but I felt it was really evil. I was covered from head to toe in pox marks and I scratched them so badly. Calamine Lotion was of no help, it only turned me into a white ghost, well that's what my eyes perceived. After my not so quickly recovery, I was left with hundreds of pox marks and I was terribly saddened by this. I felt my skin was destroyed along with my self- confidence. I wasn't gonna stay down though, cuz I'm a fighter. I researched everything about lightening my skin blemishes without going to a doctor to give him an arm or a leg in exchange for his solution (you know how they can be expensive).

MY Solution- Hip Hip Hooray!
I bought several cubes of cocoa butter fat from the local pharmacy

I  bought a very tiny bottle of Vitamin E oil from the health food store

I also bought a bottle of olive oil.

Topiclear skin lightening cream (almost any cream containing hydroquinone can be used). 

Remember when I said I was covered in pox marks, I had marks on ma face, behind my neck, in my ears, along my arms, legs, back, boobies, along areas that I would have believed were too private for Mr. Chicken Pox and on the soles of my feet. You can see why I said I caught the Evil Chicken Pox now ? All those lovely areas itched me crazily; it was like an unwanted love affair that left permanent marks along my body.
Day and Night I would slather on those above products, mixing them into a paste. A little went a long way, especially since they were mostly oil based products. After a matter of weeks I saw huge changes, my skin started looking like my skin again. It was hard to distinguish the pox marks from the rest of my skin, everything started to blend back in. After about 8 weeks no one could tell that I was a Chicken pox victim. Some days I would only use the Hyrdoquinone cream and the vitamin oil and I started using the cocoa butter fat mostly at nights after a bit, I found it to be the greasiest of all products). One thing to note, when using the hydroqinone cream and going out into the sun, ensure that you use a sunscreen over it, to protect the areas.

I really hope this has been helpful.

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